Thursday, October 31, 2013

Re.source visits CCA

Founders of re.source sanitation give a guest lecture about the toilet design process, sanitation marketing, and working in the developing world.

For any questions or comments on Monday's lecture, post here!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Welcome to the Wasteland!

Hello Esteemed Students! 

Welcome to the extension of our classroom! Allow this space to be a place for us to discuss various themes from class, share and build ideas, and discuss questions you may have on the material. I hope that you all will be authors of this blog.  This blog will be our collective digital portfolio, demonstrating what we are learning and doing as a classroom community. It will remain as open ended as you wish it to be so feel free to post any reflections, articles, images, or videos that may be of interest to our class.

Feel free to invite fellow students/friends/family who want to join the conversation!